Monday, February 29, 2016

The Long Walkabout

In the present post I’m happy to show our first travel plan that took roughly 18 months. Before speaking about the route, it’s better to explain the reasons that motivated us to choose the land down under, the land of the kangaroos and koalas, the land of the opportunities…as you understand I’m obviously speaking about Australia!

Landscape in North Territory @moniferra Instagram
Our purpose was living a real adventure in one of the most wild territory in the world and at  the same point trying to embrace its culture and way of thinking while having fun, and the only place able to offer all of this is the magic land of OZ! Sunny days, turquoise water, beautiful beaches, top wild nature and supreme landscapes are just some of the things you can find here. On the other side this stunning country provides  modern facilities and any type of means of transport, allowing  tourists to reach their destinations relatively easily despite the long distance between different point of interests.

If you like the classic trip “on the road”, no worries mates, you will find camping areas and barbies (BBQ) where you can have the pleasure to taste an aussie steak sipping  a coldie  during a relaxing arvo.

Sunrise @moniferra Instagram
Even if the official language is English the only thing you should know about Australia before booking your flight is: do not  forget the dictionary but, above all, an Australian slang guide because,  especially at the beginning of your experience, understand every single word could be a difficult challenge. But don’t worry everything is gonna be alright ! Aussie people are really kind, open-minded,  helpful and willing to repeat for you. 

Regarding the trip, there are no secrets! We didn’t plan anything before and we had just followed our wanderlust.  Landing at Brisbane, we decided to stay there for a couple of months in order to get some money for traveling and  time to adapt to the new territory and meet new friends. As you can see from the interactive map ("Our Aussie Adventure"), we have firstly decided to  visit the eastern coastline and then the wonderful countryside, without missing the paradise islands of Queensland and the heart-breathing Tassie, the Tasman devil island.

Moreton Island beach front @moniferra Instagram

According to aboriginal people  there is a strict connection between land, spirituality, soul and research of ourselves. This important meaning is evocated by the word walkabout, the big dream. There is nothing more perfect than this word to describe our trip…a LONG WALKABOUT!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The rules of the pursuit of traveling

“The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club”

Like Brad Pitt in the famous movie “Fight Club”, I’m going to give you the RULES of our personal Fight Club because there is nothing more useful than understanding  the principles of the game before playing it.

The first rule of our fight club is there are not rules

I will explain why this is so important to me and maybe also to you.  I would like to start to explain this concept from the basic meaning of the word "rule". According to the well-known Cambridge Dictionary:

"rule means an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do"

That’s it!!! What shell I do? Shell I leave or not? Shell I do this or that? Well, most of the time an accepted principle or more simply a friend, a relative or a stranger will tell you what to do according to his/her opinion usually based on the common sense….holy shit! The common sense! How can you live without common sense? The ruler of the senses: what is right or wrong, what is good or bad ecc ecc…. Cartesio, in one of his most important works (“Discourse on the Method”), describes the common sense as:

“the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it”

What he's  trying to tell us is that the common sense is something you can find in any person, what change in our opinions is the different way of thinking and what is important for everybody shouldn’t be the same for us. According to his words if you walk slowly on your way you can make more progress than a person walking fast because, being in hurry, he will definitely loose his path. I personally agree with him because if I decide to leave everything, living for an adventure abroad for example, I shouldn’t be worried to lose opportunities in my country because I have taken the choice to live that dream without excluding the possibility to reach other goals in the future or in the present. Maybe for someone else the trip I’m doing is just a waste of time and there are other main things we should be worried according to him: find the job that satisfy your expectations, make a family, buy a car ecc ecc…. What is important for him is not the same for you, but does it mean he is right? Of course not! Is he smarter than me? Of course no! You have just decided to go against another opinion and maybe against the common sense, but you have taken the right choice ….YOUR CHOICE!

There are not rules in what I’m doing, as well as obligations: if I wanna leave today, end the trip right now, take a bus instead than a plane…..I'll do! I don’t have rules and even less obligation with someone or timing constrictions… I’m free to do what I want, when I want.

Take your decision without any doubts and suck in the experience!
 This is the pursuit of traveling and my vision!

Friday, February 19, 2016

I feel alive to face the life

You are probably asking yourself WTF these two mates are doing with a glass of white wine on a plane?!? Easy, they are celebrating  something… something  that’s already started and it  will be the best thing they will ever do in their life, especially because they really don’t know how to realize it.

Ok, let’s start from the beginning….it’s much better! The guy on your left …yes I know he’s really fascinating ;) he’s the Italian fella, in other words me… Matteo!!! And the girl on his right is the black panther…Monica! She is Italian as well despite for everybody she is Brazilian…but I mean…. why?!? It’s better to talk about the possible reasons of this misunderstanding  another time…

Well, the picture above represents absolutely the day that you never know is really going to happen and when you are living that moment you can’t realize it because you feel like it's not real…do you know what I mean?!? (Yeah it sounds weird and psycho but I promise I’m not using drugs …it’s just my mind!!!) If until that cold day of March I was sure about what was the meaning of "living a life", after that selfie the conception of reality and what was important to get a life changed forever!

I remember that day as if it was today, the person who I said goodbye, the places where I’ve been but above all the feeling to be alive for the first time of my life. Because there is nothing better than leave everything and everybody for ….anything or maybe nothing!!! You don’t know and nobodyelse knows! But who cares…. You feel ALIVE to FACE the LIFE!!!

As you understand I’m going here, and in the followed posts, to tell you my story… the story of a trip.. the story of how at some point my life started to be REAL. I’m going to be as much clear as I can and try to tell you the places I’ve seen and all I know about adventure. My mission won’t be just give you detailed information about timetables and even less how to organize the perfect trip, not because I’m an asshole but because you can find those kind of information on other blogs or website. In other words, I want to be a sort of motivation for all of the people interested to know themselves, looking for freedom or a better life and especially for the dreamers like me always looking for a pursuit of happiness that never come. I will try to alternate feelings and description or simply create maybe discussion about something.

Hope you will enjoy it and hope you will find with me your pursuit of traveling!!!!